Friday, February 20, 2009

On Our Way

Ok in my last blog I wrote about our goal to get a bigger place, well in order to do that I had to work on my husbands credit. We paid another credit card off only one more credit card to pay off and then we will have our credit in better shape. I am so excited about this, it's like winning a small lottery,lol! Also I have lost 13 lbs yeah go me, it has been a difficult journey but I have just been more aware of what I am eating and actually getting some real excercise is great. So everyone do the happy dance for us and if you need any happy dances for you then I will be happy to do the dance for you!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Way to go! I love to see all our hard work amount to something when we get a credit card or something paid off, too. Just this morning, I made the last payment on one of our small school loans! And in another couple weeks one of our cars will be paid off, too. Isn't it such a great feeling!?!
